The bag was designed as a single cut sheet that can be distributed completely flat. Without any tools customers can fold and assemble it into a three-dimensional bag, just by joining a few rivets through the holes in the bag. This simplifies the manufacturing process and minimizes inventory and shipping costs, allowing a wide range of colours, sizes and shapes. The bags come in two types of materials: genuine saddle leather or recycled felt. This felt is made from 100% recycled PET resin. Because of its form, this bag can be counted as one sheet, two sheets, or, in Japanese, ichi-mai, ni-mai, … and thus, the bag was named “mai”.
• High Quality Felt from 100% recycled PET resin
• Red, Tan, Dove grey, Emerald, Blue, Plum, Grey
• Dimensions: 16x18x7,5 cm